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Learn Italian And Its Origin

The Italian language has developed from its ancestor, Latin, during the 13th and 14th century. Italian shares about 85% of similarities to the Spanish and French languages. Also, each word is pronounced exactly as how it is spelled.

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Learn The Italian Language With Ease

Pasta, Ti Amo, Prego are three words from Italy. Italy’s language is called Italian and learning this language is more like reading every English syllable of every word. The Italian language, similar to Spanish, is fairly easy to read, since each word is pronounced exactly as how it is spelled. Some Italian words are even used now by millions of people across the globe.

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Simple Italian Memorization Method

Italian – the language of love and one of the most romantic languages known throughout the history. Wouldn’t it be great if you understood each romantic word that you hear from your Italian neighbor? Don’t think of expensive immersion to Italy. Think of other resources.

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Self Learning Italian

Learning Italian at home, listening to audio lessons on the way to the office using the CD player in the car or reading a book all about Italian are different examples of how one person can learn another language without getting formal lessons from any teacher or language professor.

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